Secrets Of Successfully Sitting Exams

Written by A K Whitehead

Many people work hard studying various subjects to sit for examinations in them. Fine. Hard work is usually a necessary condition for passing exams. Unfortunately it does not follow that it is a sufficient condition! Exam technique can be almost equally as important. It can make allrepparttar difference between success and failure or between poor grades and good grades.

As students, we often complain aboutrepparttar 109386 examination system. That is usually because we feelrepparttar 109387 pressure of an uncertain outcome. But like all systems we need to understand its mechanics in order to make it work for us.

What follows is largely concerned with exams needing written answers, rather than mathematically-based subjects.

Frustrating Examiners This section applies as much to writing course work as to examination answers

When you consider writing essays, also considerrepparttar 109388 person who will have to read them. He/she has a psychology. Make it work for you, not against you. Most examiners do their job well and effectively but...

Exam assessors usually have a mountain of scripts to wade through. They like to get through them faster rather than slower, with relative ease rather than difficulty. When they find a script which facilitatesrepparttar 109389 two former objects, they are delighted and their disposition towardsrepparttar 109390 writer soars.

A great frustration is caused by having to intorepparttar 109391 essay to discover whether or notrepparttar 109392 student has given a correct or acceptable answer. Sometimes this job is very difficult. The examiner has to re and rereadrepparttar 109393 essay to discover what is actually being said. Sometimes an actual decision has to be made byrepparttar 109394 examiner as to whether a correct answer has, in fact, been given, becauserepparttar 109395 composition is so obtuse.

Some method is needed which will avoid this situation and which will improverepparttar 109396 examiner's disposition towardsrepparttar 109397 writer.

Writing Effectively Writing effectively in exams is really not that difficult. There is a simple technique which can be used and adopted to virtually every type of question.

The technique is to divide your essay into three (unequal) parts: 1. An introduction 2. An expansion of 1; 3. A conslusion. Numbers 1 and 3 are quite short and basically sayrepparttar 109398 same thing except in rather different ways.

1. is critical and is a short version ofrepparttar 109399 answer. This letsrepparttar 109400 examiner know immediately that you know what you are talking about. It require slight differences of emphases depending onrepparttar 109401 actual wording ofrepparttar 109402 question.

For example, a question which asks something like "What arerepparttar 109403 factors which influence..." needs an introductory answer which starts something like: "The factors which influence so-and-so are... " And you mention them in descending order of importance. A question ofrepparttar 109404 type: "Discuss such-and-such..." needs an answer which starts something like: "When discussing such-and-such one needs to take account of..." and then mentionrepparttar 109405 major points which you consider to be important and which you are going to discuss.

Parrot Rescue

Written by Rodney Foster

I would like to use this article to encourage people onrepparttar importance of researching allrepparttar 109385 information they can get to include reading, visiting zoo’s, and even try and find someone that has a Exotic pet they are thinking of getting. Inrepparttar 109386 last few years exotic pets have been taking a rise in popularity, But atrepparttar 109387 same time exotic pet deaths and abuse are high also because exotic animals do not do well in our daily life style and forrepparttar 109388 lack of people being informed of what they are getting into before buying a exotic pet. People tend to buy these animal’s on a whim and after they spend from hundred to thousands of dollars to get them home thinking they will be like there dog or cat and are suddenly exposed to a sudden shock thatrepparttar 109389 pet they just bought is not what they thought it was or would be or that it dose not interrelate with them as they thought it would because they saw it on television interrelating with people.. People do not realize or do not understandrepparttar 109390 many many hours of work it takes to get some exotic pets to interact with human’s. Then it comes torepparttar 109391 point of what happens to you when your pet get’s mad and bites you. I know I have been bitten from iguana’s, parrot’s, dogs and cats. None of these are pleasant when it happen’s, People do not think that some times they have are a bad day or they just do not want to be messed with, In our home inrepparttar 109392 evening time our Blue and Gold McCaw will start to bite you when he is tired, We have a Umbrella Cockatoo that will holler loud when he is tired before his regular bedtime. Every animal has it’s own personality and we have to learn each one we have.

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